Best Selling Author & Speaker
Dr. Charrita Danley Quimby has always been passionate about writing and storytelling. Creative and curious, she loves exploring themes and motifs that are relevant and relatable. Her creative writing process involves imagining the story and immersing herself in the lives of the characters. A proponent of effective communication, Dr. Quimby founded Chideria Publishing, Inc., an organization that provides writing, publishing and editorial services to clients. She writes in various genres, including fiction, poetry, non-fiction, and academic research as well as conducts presentations, workshops, and seminars related to writing and education.

“The idea is to write it so that people hear it and it slides through the brain and goes straight to the heart.”
Maya Angelou
Through the Crack
Through the Crack is the heart-warming story of three women who are bound to one another by the common blood that flows through their veins. Though Vickie Morgan-Stevenson believes in God, she has no true relationship with Him. In her state of addiction, she tells lies, cheats and steals to support her habit. Ultimately, her life becomes the battleground of war between the Truth of God and the Lie of the Enemy. Vickie's single, saved and sanctified sister, Vanessa Morgan, has her middle-class lifestyle in the city disrupted when she is forced to accept her sister's addiction and put her own life on hold. Upon her return to the Mississippi Delta, she assumes Vickie's responsibilities, including caring for her eighteen year old daughter, Vonshay, who finds her life in turmoil as she grapples with the choices her mother has made. The novel traces the women's journey from addiction to recovery as it exposes their individual desires to avoid being smothered by family responsibilities and relationships. The characters' faith in God sustains them through the laughter and the tears as they learn the true meaning of unconditional love.
